Why We Started the Partnership for Patients: Sorrel King’s Story

In a new web video, listen to Sorrel King’s personal story about why she’s committed herself to shedding light on the role that medical errors play in thousands of preventable deaths every year in the United States. After you’ve watched the video, join the partnership if you haven’t already. Help us raise public awareness and educate patients, families, and consumers about the importance of making care safer and better coordinated.

Prevention: Reducing Health Disparities and Improving Health Equity

Today, we posted a new factsheet outlining the many ways in which the Affordable Care Act will reduce health disparities across the U.S. All across the country, low-income Americans, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT, and other underserved populations have not had adequate access to health care.
This means, these underserved populations are not able to take advantage of preventive services available to help them stay healthy and fight chronic disease