The CLASS Program

As we suspend work on implementing CLASS, we are recommitting ourselves to the ultimate goal of making sure Americans can get the long-term care they need, whether it’s a working-age mom with disabilities who needs daily support right now or a young man at his first job who wants to protect himself and his family against the possibility of huge long-term care costs in the future.

CDC Issues Initial 2011-2012 Seasonal “FluView” Report: Current Activity is Low; Outlook for Vaccine is Good

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the initial “FluView” report for the U.S. 2011–2012 flu season with the message that flu activity is currently low, making this the perfect time to get vaccinated. There should be lots of vaccine available, because the supply is projected to set a U.S. record.

Dr. Biden: October Is the Time for Each of Us to Consider the Role We Can Play in Combating Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and it’s an important time to consider the role that each of us can and must play in combating this disease.We know that early detection can make all the difference. And I am proud to be a part of an Administration that is working hard to ensure that affordable and accessible preventive care is a reality.