States Taking the Lead in Strengthening Consumer Protections

Recently, five more States strengthened their laws protecting consumers in disputes with their health insurance plans. The District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wisconsin have bolstered their laws surrounding the part of the appeals process known as “external review.” These five States join 33 others that provide these State-based external review protections that ensure consumers have a voice. The remaining States’ consumers are protected by a Federal process. The strengthened appeals rights are one of several common-sense consumer protections and insurance market reforms established by the Affordable Care Act.

National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership

The National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership (NIVDP) is a national multi-sector campaign, spearheaded by local influential partners who commit to promote the importance of flu vaccination among underserved populations. Collaborations are building at a fast rate with over 100 partners committed to the cause and spreading the word about flu vaccination.