Helping Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Get Needed Care

PCIP is making a difference in many people’s lives. A new report out today shows that while many PCIP enrollees have serious and expensive illnesses, they were likely to delay receiving needed care due to lack of insurance. PCIP has worked quickly to help connect Americans with the health insurance and medical care they need. Unlike many existing high risk pools, which have waiting periods before coverage of pre-existing conditions begin, PCIP enrollees can receive needed care right away.

Slow carbs, fast carbs

All carbs are not the same, and a study indicates the difference could affect a blood chemical associated with chronic conditions such as heart disease.

At Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Marian Neuhouser examined carbohydrate foods that digest more slowly, or slow carbs, and those that turn quickly into simple sugars, or fast carbs. She was looking at C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation. It was lower among about 40 overweight or obese people when they were on a slow carb eating pattern.