Stop bullying

Bullying can be verbal, like name calling, social, to affect reputations and relationships, or even physical, which hurts someone or their possessions. It can happen anywhere, and to anyone. We can help kids understand bullying by talking to them about it and teaching them how to stand up to it safely.

Join us for a Spanish Language Twitter Chat

To talk about Minority Health Month and what the health law means for Latinos, we’ll be hosting a Spanish language twitter chat on Tuesday, April 10th at 2pm EST. You can follow along at our Spanish language twitter handle: @HHSLatino, and also by following the hashtag: #LaSaludLatina. Between now and then, think of the question you might have about Latinos and health, and then ask via twitter during the chat.

Fish oil and polyps

A study indicates that women who eat at least three servings a week of fish with omega-3 fatty acids have a lower risk of polyps that could develop into colon cancer. Vanderbilt University researcher Harvey Murff saw this in data on people who reported what they ate and who had colonoscopies – exams to check for polyps.