Keeping Kids Healthy in School

We all hope children will work hard in school, get good grades and succeed in their education. But, like all of us, kids get sick. And we know that if kids aren’t healthy then kids cannot learn.

That’s why HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Education Secretary Arne Duncan today announced awards of $95 million to 278 school-based health center programs across the country. Provided by the Affordable Care Act, the awards will help clinics expand and provide more health care services at schools nationwide.

Looking Ahead to 2014: Competitive Affordable Insurance Marketplaces

Today, we are entering the next phase in implementing the health reform law. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a proposed framework to assist states in building Affordable Insurance Exchanges.

Exchanges are State-based competitive marketplaces where individuals and small businesses will be able to purchase affordable private health insurance and have the same insurance choices as Members of Congress. Insurance companies will compete for business on a transparent, level playing field, driving down costs. Exchanges will have the same purchasing clout as big businesses and will give consumers a choice of plans to fit their needs.

Raising Patient Safety Awareness Across the Country

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is continuing to work with a wide variety of public and private partners to improve the care and services patients receive in our health system.

We are proud to announce that we have collaborated with nearly 4,500 organizations, including over 2,000 hospitals that have officially committed to improving patient safety by joining the initiative! In fact, HHS is thrilled to recognize the 100% participation rate by Iowa hospitals to promote innovations to improve hospital care and reduce wasteful spending.