Calories and memory loss

Those with mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, have more than normal memory problems.  At the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, researchers looked at the association between eating and memory. Researchers compared eating habits and diagnosis of MCI, in one thousand participants, ages 70 and older.

Changing over the generations

A study finds Mexican-American teens weigh more if they are second or third generation than if they are first generation in the United States. Researcher Jihong Liu of the University of South Carolina saw this in national survey data on 2,300 Mexican-Americans between 12 and 18 years old.


Eight hours is supposed to be the sleep magic number. But researchers say there really is no magic number – that your body knows when it has enough sleep. At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Daniel Chapman:

Fully vaccinated

To help keep kids healthy, parents can keep their children up to date on vaccinations. Being fully vaccinated can help kids prevent a lot of illnesses.  At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Yabo Beysolow offers some reasons:

Getting our vitamins

It looks like we’re getting enough of at least some of the vitamins and other nutrients that we need. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at blood and urine samples from participants in a national health and nutrition survey. Researcher Christine Pfeiffer says this means that, for some nutrients, few of us have deficiencies:

Preventing bullying

Bullying can be prevented. Knowing how to prevent bullying and stop it when it happens can help support a child in need. Parents can talk to their children about it and ask questions.

Marci Hertz is a health scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.