Monthly Archives: October 2011
Improving Health Disparities Research
Today, we are achieving yet another milestone, by implementing an important provision of the Affordable Care Act that will improve the collection of data on HHS-sponsored surveys. With this advance, we as a nation can better understand and target health disparities and ultimately move toward eliminating them.
Keeping Medicare Affordable in 2012
Today, we have more good news. The Medicare Part B monthly premium paid by most beneficiaries, which helps pay for physicians’ services, outpatient hospital services, certain home health services, and other items, is rising by only $3.50 despite earlier projections of a much bigger jump.
FDA Updated Communication on Use of Jet Injectors with Inactivated Influenza Vaccines
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending that health care professionals use a sterile needle and syringe to administer inactivated influenza vaccines.
UPDATED: 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine and Vaccination Information
Information added regarding: What should I do if I got an influenza vaccine using a needle-free jet injector? Do I need to get vaccinated again?
Think You’re Not at Risk for the Flu? You Might be Dead Wrong, PDF
Pregnancy and Influenza Vaccine Safety
Feature on flu vaccine and pregnancy studies presented at IDSA’s 2011 Annual Meeting.
FDA Communication on Use of Jet Injectors with Influenza Vaccines
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising health care professionals not to use injector devices to administer influenza vaccines
CDC Confirms 5th Case of New Swine-Origin H3N2 Reassortant in Maine
The patient in Maine was reported to have attended an agricultural fair where animals, including pigs, were present.
Las embarazadas necesitan la vacuna contra la gripe, PDF
Yo Me Vacuno stickers 2-inch, PDF
Diseñado para la impresión de calcomanías de 2”, 12 calcomnías por hoja.
Yo Me Vacuno stickers 2.5-inch, PDF
Diseñado para la impresión de calcomanías de 2.5”, 9 calcomnías por hoja.
Un Amor Perdido, PDF
La fotonovela es una herramienta para ayudar a facilitar una conversación sobre la importancia de la vacunación contra la influenza en mujeres embarazadas. La fotonovela esta en ingles y español (bilingue).
A Love Lost, PDF
The fotonovela is a tool to help facilitate a discussion of the importance of influenza vaccination among pregnant women. The fotonovela is available in Spanish and English (bilingual).