The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising health care professionals not to use injector devices to administer influenza vaccines
Daily Archives: October 21, 2011
CDC Confirms 5th Case of New Swine-Origin H3N2 Reassortant in Maine
The patient in Maine was reported to have attended an agricultural fair where animals, including pigs, were present.
Las embarazadas necesitan la vacuna contra la gripe, PDF
Yo Me Vacuno stickers 2-inch, PDF
Diseñado para la impresión de calcomanías de 2”, 12 calcomnías por hoja.
Yo Me Vacuno stickers 2.5-inch, PDF
Diseñado para la impresión de calcomanías de 2.5”, 9 calcomnías por hoja.
Un Amor Perdido, PDF
La fotonovela es una herramienta para ayudar a facilitar una conversación sobre la importancia de la vacunación contra la influenza en mujeres embarazadas. La fotonovela esta en ingles y español (bilingue).
A Love Lost, PDF
The fotonovela is a tool to help facilitate a discussion of the importance of influenza vaccination among pregnant women. The fotonovela is available in Spanish and English (bilingual).
If you have HIV or AIDS, take care of yourself. Get a flu shot. PDF
Make a statement this flu season. PDF
For People with HIV/AIDS
Got Asthma? Get a Flu Shot! PDF
What People are Saying: Promoting Coordinated Health Care
Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced final rules for a new program designed to encourage primary care doctors, specialists, hospitals, and other health care providers to coordinate their care. Created by the Affordable Care Act, these rules on Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) add to the menu of options for providers looking to better coordinate care for patients and will make it easier for providers to deliver high quality care and use health care dollars more wisely.
These rules followed months of comment and soliciting feedback from stakeholders across the health care industry. Here’s what people are saying about the new rules.