Monthly Archives: October 2011
CDC Issues Initial 2011-2012 Seasonal “FluView” Report: Current Activity is Low; Outlook for Vaccine is Good
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the initial “FluView” report for the U.S. 2011–2012 flu season with the message that flu activity is currently low, making this the perfect time to get vaccinated. There should be lots of vaccine available, because the supply is projected to set a U.S. record.
Dr. Biden: October Is the Time for Each of Us to Consider the Role We Can Play in Combating Breast Cancer
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and it’s an important time to consider the role that each of us can and must play in combating this disease.We know that early detection can make all the difference. And I am proud to be a part of an Administration that is working hard to ensure that affordable and accessible preventive care is a reality.
UPDATED: Vaccine Effectiveness – How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?
UPDATED: Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness: Questions and Answers for Health Professionals
Risk Adjustment and Health Insurance
he Affordable Care Act calls for a risk adjustment program that aims to eliminate incentives for health insurance plans to avoid people with pre-existing conditions or those who are in poor health. Risk adjustment ensures that health insurance plans have additional money to provide services to the people who need them most by providing more funds to plans that provide care to people that are likely to have high health costs. Insurance plans then compete on the basis of quality and service, and not on the basis of whether they can attract healthy people.
Celebrating Corps Community Day
Today we have good news from the National Health Service Corps. Thanks to the investments we made in the Affordable Care Act and the Recovery Act, the numbers of doctors, nurses, and health care professionals in this program has nearly tripled in the last three years. And for the first time in its nearly 40 year history, the National Health Service Corps can count more than 10,000 members in its ranks.
UPDATED: Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Dosage and Administration Questions and Answers.
Medicare Open Enrollment: 4 Places to Look for Medicare Information
Open Enrollment is your chance to review your health care coverage and see if you need to make any changes, or if you are happy sticking with the plan you have. The health care law extended the Open Enrollment period and made it earlier – giving you more time to make choices and giving Medicare time to process everything so your coverage starts without a hitch on January 1st.This year, you can make any changes as early as October 15.
New Flexibilities Expand and Promote Partnerships
A top priority for this Administration is improving the quality and lowering the cost of care for the millions of Americans enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid (known as “dual eligibles” or Medicare-Medicaid enrollees).
Desarrollando la comunidad a traves de la salud y el bienestar, PDF
Treating Influenza (Flu), PDF
Lugares que ofrecenla vacuna contra la influenza, PDF
Customizable Specialist Card, PDF
Enter patient name, check specific conditions, add doctor signature/office stamp